Purevision PV5 Countryman Stove

Part Number
serial number prefix: BPV5C
wood fuel Stove

A new addition to the highly successful Purevision line-up, this 5kW stove features a modern take on a classic design, looking as at home in a farmhouse inglenook as it does in a newly built town house. 


Link: Exploded drawing of main assembly with part numbers

Link: Exploded drawing of door assembly with part numbers



Key Features

  • Powerful airwash that aids the clean-burning of the stove to produce the High Definition (HD) flame picture
  • New Countryman Style door for 2022
  • Optional external air kit for direct connection to the outside, potentially eliminating the need for fixed exterior ventilators in houses built after 2008
  • Patented tertiary air-profiling system, which delivers the clean combustion and high efficiency required to exceed the 2022 European Ecodesign Directive, achieving the Clearskies Level 5 certification
  • 3.1-6kW operating range as standard, 3.8-8kW operating range for the wide
  • Unique active baffle system for fast start-up and easier refuelling
  • High-quality cast ceramic firebox liners that are self-cleaning, hardwearing and extremely attractive
  • DEFRA exemption for burning wood logs in smokeless zones
  • Full multi-fuel capability as standard
  • Optional stand accessory gives the stove added presence
  • Full-sized cast iron door
  • Up to 82.2% efficiency (see downloadable datasheet)
  • Convector Stove Technology